======================================= Data Denoising with Fast Fourier Filter ======================================= :doc:`/SingleStepClassifiers/NonCausalStep/index` This step applies the well-known *Fast Fourier Transform* algorithm to decompose a signal into its frequency components. The signal noise can be removed by suppressing the high frequency components. .. rubric:: Input Parameters 1. One-dimensional time series data 2. The cut-off frequency .. rubric:: Output Parameters 1. Denoised time series data .. rubric:: Workflow .. image:: workflow.svg .. rubric:: Algorithm :doc:`/Algorithms/FastFourierTransform/index` .. rubric:: References - D.\ Lorenz, T. Koehler, A comparison of denoising methods for one dimensional time series, DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1114, Preprint 74, 2005. `http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/zetem/DFG-Schwerpunkt/preprints/orig/lorenz20051dreport.pdf `__