======================================= Resolving Data Value Conflict with Mode ======================================= :doc:`/SingleStepClassifiers/NonCausalStep/index` This step is regarded as a conflict resolution strategy and chooses the most common value among the conflicting ones to resolve the data value conflict. .. rubric:: Input Parameters 1. Input data sources .. rubric:: Output Parameters 1. Output data without conflict values 2. All found conflict values .. rubric:: Workflow .. image:: workflow.svg .. rubric:: Algorithm :doc:`/Algorithms/Mode/index` .. rubric:: References - J.\ Bleiholder and F. Naumann, Conflict handling strategies in an integrated information system, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb), Edinburgh, UK, 2006. - X.\ Dong, F. Naumann, Data Fusion - Resolving Data Conflicts for Integration, In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment VLDB Endowment, vol. 2, Nr. 2, 2009. `http://dc-pubs.dbs.uni-leipzig.de/files/fusion_vldbTutorial[1].pdf `__