=============================== Outlier Detection with Box Plot =============================== :doc:`/SingleStepClassifiers/NonCausalStep/index` This step detects outliers in a data set by applying the *Box Plot* technique. .. rubric:: Input Parameters 1. Input data including outliers .. rubric:: Output Parameters 1. Original data with outliers marked .. rubric:: Workflow .. image:: workflow.svg .. rubric:: Algorithm :doc:`/Algorithms/BoxPlot/index` .. rubric:: References - J.\ Han, M. Kamber and J. Pei, Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques, 3rd ed., Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012. - R.\ McGill, J.W. Tukey, and W.A. Larsen, Variations of Boxplots, The American Statistician., vol. 32(1), pp. 12-16, 1978.