================================================== Reconstructing Improper Values with Reference Data ================================================== :doc:`/SingleStepClassifiers/CausalStep/index` This step uses the reference data to reconstruct improper values. An improper value :math:`Y_i` at time step :math:`i` is estimated using the following formula: .. math:: {\hat{Y}_i = \frac{Y_{i-1}}{Y^r_{i-1}} Y^r_i}\quad\text{,} where :math:`\hat{Y}_i` is the reconstructed value at time step :math:`i` and :math:`Y^r_i` is the reference data value at time step :math:`i`\ . .. rubric:: Input Parameters 1. Input data including improper values 2. Definition of improper values ('nan', 'inf', or 'null', etc.) .. rubric:: Output Parameters 1. Output data excluding improper values .. rubric:: Workflow .. image:: workflow.svg .. rubric:: References - T.\ Bellemans, B. De Schutter, and B. De Moor, Data acquisition, interfacing and pre-processing of highway traffic data, In Proceedings of Telematics Automotive 2000, Birmingham, UK, vol. 1, pp. 4/1-4/7, Apr. 2000.